Hacking TiVo Companion Web Site

This is the companion Web Site for the book

   Hacking TiVo:
      The Expansion, Enhancement, and Development Starter Kit
   (by Jeff Keegan)

(available only at amazon.com)

The publisher (Wiley) is hosting a similar site at


although that page will be updated less frequently than this one.

Check here often for updates and corrections to the book.
Here is a list of all of the URLs mentioned in the book, as well as alternate links (where possible) for sites that have disappeared.
See a list of reported errors/mistakes made in the book, and/or submit errors you've found.
Here is a list of various places in the press and in online forums where the book has been mentioned. If you see it mentioned somewhere that isn't listed here, let me know.
If you read my book, please let me know what you thought! See where to send me email and a link to my home page.

© 2003 Jeffrey Lawrence Keegan

Jeff & Laurie's Page