Hacking TiVo Companion Web Site: Press

It's amazing to watch how things spread. Let me take this opportunity to strongly suggest reading The Tipping Point, by Malcolm Gladwell, if you're interested in such things. Here are various press-related items that have something to do with the book, whether simply links to threads on discussion groups or book reviews.

If you see Hacking TiVo mentioned in the press or online somewhere, please let me know and if it's interesting enough I'll list it here.

Radio Interview on Computer America
On January 26th 2004 at 10pm EST I'll be doing an interview about the book on a nationally syndicated radio show called Craig Crossman's Computer America. Visit the site to determine what local stations carry the show, or listen to the show online.

Full page add in November 2003 PC Magazine
In the November 2003 issue of PC Magazine, the following full-page ad ran:

(click image to zoom in)

slashdot.org Book Review
On October 15th, 2003, slashdot.org featured this book review of Hacking TiVo:

"100 Words Or Less" mention in the New York Post
On October 12th, 2003, the New York Post ran this item on Page 50 in the books section:

(click image to zoom in)

© 2003 Jeffrey Lawrence Keegan

Jeff & Laurie's Page